GRUR/ Joint Conference 2024
GRUR - 2024-03-20

The German Association for Intellectual Property Law (GRUR) and the University of Luxembourg ( are jointly organising the GRUR/ Joint Conference 2024, a one-day event which will take place on Wednesday, 5 June 2024 from 8.30 h (admission to the Court building) to 17.30 h in the Palais of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the Kirchberg Plateau in Luxembourg.
The general topic of the conference, which will be chaired by Professor Martin Stierle from the University of Luxembourg, is "Intellectual Property and the European Courts".
Given the first anniversary of the newly established Unified Patent Court (UPC), the morning of the conference will address patent law and the developments at the UPC in the first year. Judge Grabinski, the President of the UPC Court of Appeal in Luxembourg, will deliver the keynote speech during the morning session.
Following a joint lunch, the afternoon session of the conference will address current issues and developments in EU IP law with a specific focus on the role of the CJEU.
After the working sessions, all attendees will be kindly invited to a cocktail reception taking place in the beautiful hall The Grand Staircase – Salle des Pas Perdus situated inside of the Palais.
We expect an audience which will consist of IP professionals (judges, attorneys, in-house) and academics from the Benelux countries, Germany, and France.
More information on the programme, speakers and registration process will be published on the GRUR Website in mid-April. Official invitations to GRUR members and beyond will be sent out soon thereafter (at the end of week 16). This is also when registration will open.
The conference is organised in cooperation with our regional partners AIPPI Luxembourg and FCPIL - Fédération des Conseils En Propriété Industrielle au Luxembourg.
Participation is free of charge but requires prior registration. Seats will be limited to 110 persons so please SAVE THE DATE and watch out for updates to come.
Best regards
The Team of the GRUR Head Office
Contact for requests:
Sandra von Lingen, GRUR Senior Manager International Affairs & Publications, E-Mail:
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