10th GRUR meets Brussels Workshop
Update 6 January 2019: Presentations of the GmB Workshops now available. Scroll down and click on the tab "Downloads" to access the files.
Update 4 November 2019: Please note that the event is already fully booked so that we are currently not in the position to accept any further registrations. Thank you for your understanding.
The German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)and the German national group of the International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) have the pleasure of inviting you to the 10th GRUR meets Brussels Workshop 2019.
The event will take place on Thursday, 5 December 2019 from 10.00 to 20.00 at the Representation of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia to the European Union, 47 Rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
About the event:
Workshops and conferences covering the entire field of Intellectual Property have become rare. The different fields of IP are very specialised and often an overall perspective is lacking. The GRUR meets Brussels Workshop 2019 closes this gap. Future challenges for IP and possible solutions are discussed under a comprehensive perspective, covering patent law, copyright law, design law, trademark law and enforcement.
The focus will be on certain topical issues as well as on the future development in these different fields. Future challenges such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the European Data Economy, the Internet of Things, and the flexibilisation of IP enforcement will be discussed.
In trademark and enforcement, certain specific issues such as the differentiations between cease-and-desist orders and/or removal shall be addressed. Also the current discussion on a possible or even necessary flexibilisation of patent law injunctions will be covered. The European patent system meets challenges such as the treatment of AI inventions and the Internet of Things. In design protection, the ongoing discussions about the spare parts clause, 3D-printing and other issues might require further EU action also taking into account competition law concerns. In copyright law, two main questions arise after the much discussed Digital Single Market Directive, which was enacted in April 2019. First, how to implement the Directive into Member States’ laws in a way which guarantees effective harmonisation and a fair balancing of the involved interests. Secondly, and even more interesting, which future challenges for copyright law have to be tackled next, where issues such as a reform of the system of exceptions to copyright, further rules on collective management of rights, future regulation of the data economy and many other topics come to mind.
All these and many other aspects will be covered in the workshop. A strong focus will be on the future challenges to IP law instead of merely sticking with the details of the current acquis.
10:00 – 10:30 |
10:30 – 10:45
Welcome Hans H. Stein, Director, Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union, Brussels
10:45 – 11:00
Statement An outlook on future IP policy Amaryllis Verhoeven, Head of Unit F.3 – Intellectual Property and Fight Against Counterfeiting, DG GROW, European Commission, Brussels
11.00 – 12:00 |
Keynotes Topic:
12.00 – 13:00
Trademarks & Enforcement |
Statements & panel discussion:
Chair: Prof. Dr Gerald Spindler, Georg-August-University of Göttingen Speakers/Panelists:
13.00 – 14:00 |
14.00 – 15:15
Patents |
Statements & panel discussion
Topic: The European patent system: What role for patents in times of Artificial Intelligence, climate change and other global challenges?
Chair: Dr Frank-Erich Hufnagel, LL.M., Lawyer, Düsseldorf
15:15 – 16:30
Designs |
Statements & panel discussion
Topic: Evaluation of EU legislation on design protection: The spare parts clause, 3D-Printing, other issues – do we need further EU action?
Chair: Prof. Dr Alexander Bulling, Patent Attorney, Stuttgart
16.30 – 17:00 |
Coffee break
17:00 – 18:15
Copyright |
Statements & panel discussion
Topic: The EU copyright system – Status quo and next steps?
Chair: Prof. Dr Matthias Leistner, LL.M., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
18:15 – 18:30
Wrap up
Prof. Dr Matthias Leistner, LL.M., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
18.30 – 20:00 |
Evening reception / drinks & nibbles
The workshop is open and free of charge. You will be invited to a free lunch, coffee breaks and an evening reception with drinks & nibbles. However, room availability is limited to 120 seats so that we recommend an early registration. Please note that the workshop will be held in English language without simultaneous translation. After the working programme, all speakers and attendees are warmly invited to an evening reception with drinks & nibbles.
Update 4 November 2019: Please
note that the event is already fully booked so that we are currently not in the
position to accept any further registrations. Thank you for your understanding!
Contact for requests: Sandra von Lingen, GRUR Senior Manager International Affairs & Publications, e-mail: s.vonlingen@grur.org, phone: +49 (0)221 650 65-155, www.grur.org.
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Datum (von) | 05.12.2019 |
Ort | Brussels |
Addresse | Representation of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia to the European Union 47 Rue Montoyer 1000 Brussels Belgium |
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