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4 Reasons to Patent: New interactive guide to help European SMEs unlock all the value of patents

GRUR - 17.06.2019

On 21 May 2019 4iP Council launched “4 Reasons to Patent”, a practical interactive web guide that aims to help innovative European businesses draw economic and strategic value from their patents.  Developed in collaboration with GRUR, the guide identifies four key benefits to patenting - market access, negotiating, funding and strategic value - and breaks these down simply into methods for value-creation with clickable case study links, quotes and facts. 

Other content collaborators on the “4 Reasons to Patent” guide are ASTP, The European IP Helpdesk, The European Patent Office (EPO), France Brevets, The Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN), and Intellectual Property Institute of Luxembourg (IPIL).  4iP Council’s broad network of academics and IP practitioners also contributed.


“The legalese, the regulations and the sheer hard work involved in generating intellectual property rights can deter even the most ardent entrepreneur but the rewards of IP can be plentiful.  We have developed ‘4 Reasons to Patent’ to help innovative SMEs create, compete and expand,” said Axel Ferrazzini, Managing Director of 4iP Council. 

This interactive tool will evolve with time to remain a long-term SME resource.   4iP Council is currently developing similar guides on other forms of IP as well as further guidance to SMEs on leveraging IP as a strategic asset.  

Consult the “4 Reasons to Patent” interactive guide here:

Download the “4 Reasons to Patent” flyer here:


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